01 setembro 2007

Breakfast in San Francisco

San Francisco, a beautiful Italian corner street cafe, just up the road from our hotel.

M. goes to the food counter and orders our food.
M. goes to the drinks counter and orders our drinks.
M. joins me at the table and as we start chatting about San Francisco we are interrupted by the drinks counter lady screaming out M.'s name: M!!!!!!!!!!!!! with a Spanish accent. My orange juice was ready. He gets up and grabs the juice for me.
M. comes back to our table. We laugh at the scream and he shakes off the shock. We start chatting about San Francisco once again.
Suddenly, the cafe is once again filled with "M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", once again a Spanish accent, but a new voice. Food was ready. M. gets up and returns with our food.
It all seems to have quietened down, the food is good, the conversation has died as we devour our panini.
"M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - once again his name is screamed out. We both jump - again. This time it's our hot chocolate and latte that are ready. We sit back. Laugh. Try to shake it off. Laugh again. Finish our food. Pay for breakfast and walk down the street laughing and screaming out "M!!!!!!!!!".

2 comentários:

pedro disse...

M!!!! e J!!!!! divirtam-se e aproveitem!

Um abraço aos dois!

Ana disse...